
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Great Tootsie Pop Question...

Since the dawn of time there have been unexplained mysteries in life.  Things beyond our comprehension.  Questions we are forced to ask and try to answer...
Like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?  (Yep...I even have a t-shirt of this one!)

Like the mysteries of old, the Counterfeit Kit Challenge is raising it's own intriguing question:

How many projects can you make out of your Counterfeit Kit?  

So what is your answer?  How many projects have YOU been able to make out of your kit this month before you pilfer what is left for your scrap paper drawer?

Stop on over to my blog to see MY answer and the extra projects I have created this month.
Double Dog Dare You


  1. Oh, I'd love to...{but who are you?}. ;)

  2. Could you post the link to your blog please?

  3. I'm sorry! I was waiting for mine to post so I could link it here. LOL I forgot! Thanks, Jimjams!

  4. Here's my update:
    You did a great job Bethany using your kit. What a fun month it has been!

  5. I used my kit as an RAK for my blog. But next month I will be using it to create! I can't wait!

  6. Kim I thought it was so nice of you to use your kit as a RAK...that's why I love scrapbookers!!!


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