
Sunday, December 25, 2011

One Little Word by Bethany

For the last two years I have been inspired to participate in Ali Edwards One Little Word Challenge.  You can find the details from last year HERE.  The basic premise is this...

You spend some time contemplating a word that you want to define you for the next year.

Once you have picked your word for the year, you need to document it in some way...find a way to display it and put into words why it is meaningful to you.

I chose to cut my word out in vinal and put it up in my craft room.  Here is my word for 2011 displayed over my favorite window.

I also created a layout last year about my word.  I thought it would be a good time to get myself onto a layout for change.

When I move onto my new word, I move the vinal letters to another wall in the room.  Soon I will have my words going all the way around the top of my room.  I really love that.  It is a work in progress.

I have already chosen my word for this year and will be sharing it on my blog in 2012.  I hope you will join me in picking a word and attitude that will be significant for you this year.


  1. Merry Christmas, Bethany. That's so cool that you'll add words each year.

  2. That's a great way to record your words. I've created a layout each year for the last 5 years but this time around I want to try to add something new to my word. I#m thinking of a layout so that I can document the reasons but like the idea of a charm for my bracelet too. I wanted to do that this year but budget wouldn't allow. I love the idea of wall vinyl but the textured wallpaper we have isn't suitable ;-(

    Thanks for a lovely post!

  3. Fun idea! I've done this challenge in years past, but didn't do it this time. So my word for 2012 is 'share.' Thanks for the reminder.

  4. I need to find a way to display my word. I make a layout, but I want something I will see everyday. My word is "focus". I've been pulled in too many areas and so next year I want to focus on the really important things and try not to get distracted.


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