
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Storage Envy

Totally inpracticle...totally unnecessary...totally wonderful!


  1. Oh but how beautiful :0) That trunk appeals to the neat and tidy freak inside of me!!!

  2. That top one is very cute and I love the suitcase one. I don't think it would stay so neat if it was on my desk though :)

  3. that button dispenser is so funny, I love it but yes not very practical at all. The punch storage however is clever but only looks good if you only have one sort of punches.

  4. Oh I love the whimsy of the button dispenser - but I have true storage envy of the little suitcase!

  5. Love the look of that button dispenser, honestly I'd love to have any of these ideas in my scraproom.

  6. I agree with Helen! Love the suitcase but my first thought was that it would be messed up the very first time I used it!!! The button dispenser is gorgeous though


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