
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blog hop reminder!

Hey everyone, want to join in the members' blog hop this month?


We are a little low on numbers and we'd love YOU to join in on what is always a highlight of every month.

Originally, we'd tied it in to Challenge #1 (here) and don't forget that this can include any project you've wanted to create but not got round to yet.

But now, we've decided to open it up to anyone who wants to share any Counterfeit Kit creation! 

Any of the challenges from this month, or even just a page you've made with this month's kit would be perfect as your contribution to the hop. This is YOUR hop and we'd love to see more of you jumping on board (pun intended!) and sharing what you've done with your September Counterfeit kit.

We've extended the deadline for signing up so come on, the more the merrier!

To be a part of our blog hop:
1.  E-mail us your name/blog address/promise to participate at by Friday 20th September
2.  You will receive  an e-mail from us by the 22nd with a list of the hop participants.
3.  You will need to schedule your own blog post showing your project and links to the person after you in the hop.
4.  All Blog Hop posts will need to be scheduled to go live on the 24th at 12:00 A.M. Mountain Standard Time

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