
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Challenge #1: Ugly Sweater Inspiration

Yes, you heard me right!  We are looking to the finest inspiration winter has to offer…UGLY SWEATERS!

I created a lovely board on Pinterest (or maybe NOT so lovely) to give you some ideas.  You are welcome to find your own Ugly Sweater, but be careful to not let dear Aunt Ida know WHY you are using it.  LOL

Ugly Sweater Pinterest Board

I am proud to say that I had nothing to do with the Ugly Sweaters that gave our Master Forgers inspiration for today.  Nope.  Nothing. To. Do. With.  It.  LOL

LesleyG was "inspired" by this little number...
...see how her layout turned out HERE
 Julene has a vest she is ashamed to say that she chose the colours for.
It was the 1970s,the decade of fashion faux pas! I was only 16!!!
See the final layout here

Lisa checked out my Pinterest board and was inspired by all those hideous chevrons, large swirly bits, and generally louder colours and designs.

Check out the full layout over on her blog here

Lynnete took her inspiration from this winner!

As if the actual leg lamp from the movie, "A Christmas Story" wasn't tacky enough, here's a sweater featuring that infamous "major award"!  Check out her interpretation on her blog here.

End of the Month Blog Hop:
On the 24th of each month we offer a blog hop opportunity to all of our followers!  A chance for you to show off a special project made with your counterfeit kit for that month.

Here is how it will work:
Your Blog Hop Project may be from any of the 3 challenges we offer throughout the month.
Your project must be something new that you have not shown before and only post for the hop.

To be a part of our blog hop:
1.  E-mail us your name/blog address/promise to participate at  BY THE 18th!  (No late requests will be able to join this time due to the work it takes for us to get it put together.)

2.  You will receive  an e-mail from us by the 20th with a list of the hop participants.

3.  You will need to schedule your own blog post showing your project based on this challenge and links to the person after you in the hop.

4.  All Blog Hop posts will need to be scheduled to go live on the 24th at 12:00 A.M. Mountain Standard Time (Arizona)


  1. Oh now here's a bit of a different challenge will have to sew what I've got to match this one LOL

  2. this just goes to show that inspiration really is everywhere! Well done ladies!

  3. I almost don't dare look at the links because those jumpers really are hideous!

  4. omg just looked at the pinterest board and those really are THE most hideous jumpers! Fun idea for the challenge though, have to get my thinking cap on :o)

  5. Who knew there were so many ugly sweaters in the world?! I found one on Pinterest which inspired my US layout to be revealed on the bloghop.


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