
Friday, April 18, 2014

April Fool's Day Winner!

Wasn't the True or False portion of our blog hop fun?  I had NO idea some of the answers to that!  We all lead such fascinating lives!

Here are the correct answers, but remember that ANY answer got entered into our drawing (one entry for each blog you guessed on).

And the INCORRECT answers are:

Guest Designer Maggie: #1 to mark my 40th birthday I had a small butterfly tattooed above my right ankle

Bethany:  #1: I met my husband on a trip to Africa. (We actually met in Puerto Rico...and didn't like each other at first.)

Stephanie:  #2 My favorite subjects in high school were biology and science (my favorite subjects were actually history and English literature

Lynnette: #2 I won a trip to St. Lucia.

Lisa:  #1 I have lived in four different countries NOT three. 

Leslie: #1 I did not win a baton twirling competition - I am a total klutz & would have hurt myself, lol!

Lesley: #3 My middle name is not Jane.

Julene: #3 I get seasick.

Jemma: #3 I got to know my husband ballroom dancing not ice-skating.

Angela: #2 too many pairs of shoes (I actually have a hard time finding shoes that fit so quiet often don't have anything suitable.)

True Random Number Generator  81Powered by RANDOM.ORG
#81...which is...LESLEY G.

Congratulations, Lesley!  Make sure you get me your address.  

We have a bit of OTHER great news as well!

Drumroll please...

We are having a National Scrapbooking Event!

Make sure you check out our wonderful sponsors...browse around...say thanks for being a part of NSD on the Counterfeit Kit Challenge Blog!

We cannot WAIT!  SO much fun planned for all of you!


  1. May promises to be a great month here at CKCB :)
    Yippee - I love - sending an email now :)

  2. It's going to be fun all the way :-)
    Congrats to Lesley! And the fun facts were exactly that! I have to admit to getting almost all of the wrong ;-)

  3. Congrats Lesley!!! Great fun playing along!

    What a fun weekend. to tell husband to leave me alone that weekend! Honestly he's a trooper about NSD!

  4. That was a fun contest, and I think I had most of the answers wrong, but it was fun finding out all those weird and wonderful things about you all! NSD sounds brilliant - can't wait to see what you have lined up for us :o)

  5. Congrats Lesley :)
    Looking forward to what you all cook up for that weekend, was going to follow one spot but now knowing you all will be doing something that totally changes that venue I'll be here with you all an my new May kit :)

  6. I can't believe that I planned a vacation to coincide with this event, sadly I won't be able to play next month!! I know you'll all have a great time.


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