
Monday, December 21, 2020

December 2020 - Forged Photo Prompts! Day 21


Welcome to the most wonderful time of the year!

This December our CKC Master Forger Design Team members will be providing a simple one word daily photo prompt, easy-peasy in this busy month. In the spirit of counterfeiting a kit, we are twisting the photo prompt into a scavenger hunt! The object is to take a quick peek through your camera roll for a photo that satisfies the prompt. A side benefit is perhaps training ourselves to see more in the photos than the obvious people, places or things.

This is not intended to be a crafting project, just a compilation of photos throughout the month. How many times do you look at someone's project and marvel at the unorthodox story that they pulled from their photo(s)? Our documented images speak to us on so many levels. Leslie has a friend who is currently scrapping 20-25 year old photos. Memories sparked by small details in the photos keep surfacing that tell much more complex stories than the mere images.

We'd love it if you would post your choice of photo on the Facebook Community with the number of the prompt.

If you wish to use the prompts for new photos of course you can go right ahead! If you decide to make a physical project please share! If you haven't documented your Covid journey you could use that angle as you collect your photos. Or perhaps think of it as a "2020 Highlight Reel."

A Master Forger will be showing you their own photo each day & giving you any ideas they've thought of on what you might hunt for. We all hope that you have a lovely December!
Master Forger Lori is up for today with Prompt #21: Faces!

 Ah, faces! There are so many ways that this prompt can go! I chose to go with this photo of my son, son-in-law, and daughter - it always brings a smile to my face. It is a well-known fact that my son-in-law loves to makes faces when we're taking pictures - which drives my daughter crazy! She is all the time telling him to stop making faces - which is what is happening in this photo - and in the process, I caught her with a funny face, too! More often than not these photos of their funny faces always turn out clear and then when I do finally get them all playing nice, this happens...

a blurry photo!

What faces will you share with us? Faces of your loved ones, faces of your furry friends, funny faces, masked faces, maybe even the face of a clock or watch...the possibilities are endless!
Happy hunting! Don't forget to post yours on the Facebook Community page with a #21! And come back tomorrow for another quick prompt.

Thanks for stopping by!

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