
Thursday, September 30, 2021

September 2021- Kill that Kit!

 Wow wow wow where did September go! Oh my the month seem to just fly by. Today is our Kill that Kit post and I can say I didn't kill my kit this month :) but if I did I would have lots of scraps like this

So what do I do with them, you ask? Well this project I pulled a few from the pile and I used some of them to back a cutfile

Scraps are the perfect size to back cufiles, and a good way to stretch your kit out more too. From there it when to here on the layout

Adding 2 more stripes of scraps from my border element for this 1st side of a 2 page layout

This 2nd side I add the same 2 border strips to mimic the 1st page, but the rest of the scraps from what I used for my cutfile I tucked in here and there for some layering. A leftover hexagon piece I used for my journaling spot and 2 other ones I put up in the other corner for a cluster spot. These are just one of the fantastic ways to use up some scraps. 

Thanks for playing along with us in September and don't forget that we're back bright and early tomorrow with a new kit to play with!

Share your creations with us over at the Counterfeit Kit Community Facebook community here or over at Instagram where you can find us @counterfeitkitchallenge (or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge)


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