
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 2023 - Kill that Kit

 Before I get to the Kill that Kit I want to thank Karen Pietruszkiewi for being our Guest Designer this month. 

 Let's have a quick look again at the inspiration kit this month, Cocoa Daisy February 2022 - Elegance Blooms. 

I did not take a picture of my scraps from my February Counterfeit kit; I totally did not remember to do this until I was writing this post. Last month Lisa used her scraps to make a few cards. My go to is to use my punches and dies on my scraps along with the cards. This year I'm using my scraps to make cards for some of the many pocket pages I have. 

Up first is the back side of my oldest son's 12x12 pocket page.

The top and bottom rows of 4x6 cards are all with scraps and die cuts from my kit. The middle row is 3x4 cards that I pulled out when I was making my kit but didn't make the cut. I had not put them away yet, so I incorporated them in.  

Next is my youngest son's 8 1/2 x 11 pocket page.

Most of these papers were from his 8 1/2 x 11 pages. I used more of the die cuts that were included in my kit. I don't normally put pictures on their pocket page layouts leaving for them to fill. Sometimes they come back with the pictures and the story for me to finish them up. 

Lastly is my 12x12 pocket page layout.

The top 4x6 card was another one that did not make the first cut for my kit. the rest is scraps from the papers I did include in my kit. The chipboard and stickers were on one of my miscellaneous sheets. I cut apart the Love This 4x6 journal card and added twine to it. I have a bunch of old photos from mom and dad that I want to use in the pocket pages. They are not the best quality and not the 4x6 we have today, but it is a memory that is now scrapped. 

You know that we always love to see your work, so please share your kits and projects with us. You can post them in our Facebook Community or share them on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcfebruary2023).

Thanks so much for stopping by! We can't wait to see your kits and projects!

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