
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July 2023 - Challenge #2 It Will Cost You!


Master Forger of Ceremonies Leslie here with our second July challenge!

Create a title in a ransom note style with assorted alphas/words.

I'm still trying for some breezy fun with the prompts. I hope this puts you in mind of a particular story or photo that gets your creativity excited! If you need a little assist try these:

44 FREE ransom note fonts: 

FREE ransom note generator: 

I used this on this layout in August of 2021.

You could also use a magazine, newspaper, or any paper ephemera you might have tucked away & actually cut out the letters you need. Let's see what the team came up with!

 Master Forger Tara created her title with a few of the pocket cards in her kit and two of the alpha sets she also included.  After cutting the rectangles in mismatched shapes, she added the letter and then handstitched around each rectangle.  

Master Forger Cindy is showing page one of a double page layout from the scraps of page kit 2. I was going to use the embellishments included in the kit to make my title, but I had enough leftover sticker to pull it together. 

Master Forger Christine used mismatched alpha stickers for her ransom title!  Look how adorable that is!!!  This is a GREAT way to use up older alpha stash too!

Master Forger Misty has been holding on to this story for the perfect title, and this prompt was the winner!

Be sure to share your creations!

 Here is what the rest of July's month of inspiration will look like:

  • 28th July - Follower's Showcase - who has caught our eye this month.
  • 31st July - Killing the Kit - an idea or two focusing on using up the bits and pieces left in your kit.

You know that we always love to see your work, so please share your kits and projects with us. You can post them in our Facebook Community or share them on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcjuly2023).

Thanks for stopping by!

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