
Saturday, September 30, 2023

September 2023 - Kill that Kit!

Wow wow wow where did September go! Oh my the month seem to just blew by like the leaves are doing now blowing off the trees. 

Today is our Kill that Kit post and I did not even get close to using up my entire kit, but I came close with 9 full sheets left and a bunch of scraps I'll get used up in October. I do have a tip for some scraps though. 

So from a double page layout I made this past week I used up those scraps and made pocket pages. 

This is one of many walks I took throughout the Spring and Summer this year and thinking this maybe the way to document these days is through pocket pages.

The left side of the pages I used the scraps for the triangle that to me looked like movement and I used some of the scraps to make the border punched strips.

For the right side of the page I did the same mimicking what I did from the left side just changing up the triangles. So scraps through the pocket pages could be used for photo mats and embellishments in so many ways. 

A HUGE THANK YOU to our wonderful Guest Designer Jennifer who is just amazing.

Thanks for playing along with us in September and don't forget that we're back bright and early tomorrow with a new kit to play with!

Share your creations with us over at the Counterfeit Kit Community Facebook community here or over at Instagram where you can find us @counterfeitkitchallenge (or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge)


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