
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October 2023 - Kill That Kit!

 I really had fun as your host finding something fun for you to do this month. Sad to end my birthday month but it passed by more festively with our Guest Designer adding so much to our Facebook Community. Many thanks, Laurie!

I have a confession to make - I am not a kit killer. My usual routine is to return most things to my stash. Knowing we would be traveling out West to the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley & the Saguaro National Park I had no hope of getting much done with it. Maybe I can kill my kit yet with vacation photos! We are also visiting family so that adds to the productivity. 

However, this month I really just didn't manage to make a dent in my kit and hope to find time for creativity in the new month - which reminds me, did you catch the sneak peek for November?

My message to you this month then, is to go with the flow. Some months you will make a lot, some months hardly anything at all. Killing the kit is great if it works for you, but don't sweat it if you don't come close!

Here are one or two ideas of what you could do to use up some of the left overs:

  • make a tag
  • make a card
  • fussy cut some elements
  • get happy with the die-cutting machine to cut some useful shapes to use at a later date
  • layer up scraps of paper, stickers and mini-embellishments to make clusters
  • go through the leftovers to make sure it's stuff you want to keep and discard/donate the rest

Just remember to have fun - play and see where the inspiration takes you!

Be sure to return first thing tomorrow for our new kit inspiration reveal!

Thanks for playing along this month. 

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