
Friday, December 1, 2023

December 2023 - Sketching Around The Christmas Tree!

 Welcome December and a new month here at the Counterfeit Kit Challenge.

If you've been here a while, you'll know that we like to shake things up for the festive month because we are all busy getting ready for the main event and have a To Do list from here to Timbuktu.

But we hope that among all the great stuff you have planned for December, you'd also like to carve out a little creative time for yourself. You might be recording your December in a daily way, you might still want to create some scrapbook pages, perhaps you'd just like to play with pretty paper. 

So, moving away from our normal kitting routine, we'd like to offer you something gentle, low-key and fun to just keep the creative juices flowing and hope that you will be inspired to play along.

Don't worry! The new year will welcome back the team for our usual programme of more inspirational kits, challenges and projects. And of course, as we mentioned yesterday (see post here), you'll see some changes which will be very exciting!

But in the meantime, please join us for "Sketching Around The Christmas Tree!"

Starting bright and early tomorrow - 2nd December - we will be all things sketchy over in our FB Counterfeit Kit Challenge community.

We know how you all love our sketch challenges so we thought why not offer sketch inspiration in the lead up to Christmas. On the first day, one Master Forger will post a sketch to inspire you and then on the next day, they will show you their own page or project based on that sketch! 

In total, we will have 12 wonderful sketches taking us all the way through to Christmas Day. 

Take the sketch and interpret it however you like. 

    • It's a 12x12 sketch and you are doing a daily December album? 
      • Adjust the dimensions down to your format and make it your own. 
    • It's a 8.5x11 three small photo sketch and you need space to write your lengthy childhood Christmas memory? 
      • Replace the photos with journalling spots. 
    • Our Master Forger has created a wintery Christmas page but you are living in the southern hemisphere right in the middle of summer? 
      • Use rainbow colours and change the vibe of the page. 
    • The sketch is for a scrapbook layout, but you are in the mood for making some last minute Christmas cards? 
      • Go for it! Have fun changing the sketch for your creative needs

Remember the golden "rule" round here - YOUR project, YOUR rules! Take our ideas and make something that works for YOU!

Simple, right? Fun, huh? Totally doable, isn't it? 

πŸ˜‰πŸŽ„πŸŽ… We thought you'd like it!πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸ˜‰

We'd love it if you'd join in. As always you can share kits, layouts and projects with us in our Facebook Communityor tag us over on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcdecember2023 and #ckcsketchingaroundthechristmastree). 

 Thanks so much for stopping by! We can't wait to see you playing along with our festive fun this month.

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