
Monday, December 22, 2014

New Baby Cards - Part One

Well I think this has been a really FUN month of card inspiration!

Very timely as we are about to begin a new year - a time when we all pretend that THIS year we will be organized & resolve to keep up with our correspondence & sending cards to those we love. I hope to spend some time during quiet January to be inspired by all of the wonderful things the DT came up with and to stock up with a new card supply for 2015.

New Baby Cards

Isn't he precious? 
Born just last week to a close friend of my daughter.
(Guess who will be getting one of my cards, hehe!)

Putting together my kit was as easy as pulling out these two boxes,
one for boys & one for girls, (reveal tomorrow) in which I have collected 
scrappy goodness for grandbaby pages. Added some card blanks & voila!

I spent a lot of time trolling Pinterest & discovered that most of 
what appealed to me fell under the category "Buttons & Banners".
More on that tomorrow! Today's card was inspired by crib mobiles...

Pinterest inspiration HERE
The animals were from a puffy sticker set in the boy box.
 Tune in tomorrow for New Baby Cards - Part Two!

And not to steal any thunder from our posts regarding Christmas cards,
but I can't help but think of the precious baby Jesus at this time of year.

This is the CHRISTmas version of a "New Baby" card:

My prayer for you is that His birth, death & resurrection 
would lead you to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


  1. Aw, a baby bundle :)
    Lovely cards

  2. Beautiful card and I love the inspirational card too :) Yep being a grandmother I too have it easy a drawer full of baby stuff ready for those special layouts :)

  3. Gorgeous card! Cute idea with the animal mobile too.

  4. the mobile card is so cute! What a lovely little bundle of joy :-)


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