
Thursday, June 16, 2016

June Challenge #3 - Everything Old Is New Again

Everything Old Is New Again

Showcase the oldest item in your kit in a new & fresh way!

Here at CKC  we are all about stash busting.
Your monthly counterfeit kit is a great opportunity to ferret out oldies but goodies
& breathe new life into them - or at the very least to get them onto a page!
This challenge is designed to give you a new perspective on your old supplies.

Refurbish, repurpose, revamp, revive!
Recolor, restructure, retrofit, revise!

Let them SHINE.

Guest Designer Salla says:  My oldest items were two floral papers, 
from which I cut out a flower and a tag to use in this birthday card.

LesleyG has attempted to showcase how, by using a simple pattern, paper
and photos can be cut to create a funkier and more up to date layout...

Lynnette had been hoarding that pink felt frame, handmade by a special 
friend, for a very long time.  It was finally time to get it on a page.

Margie had that old sheet of Sassafrass Lass stickers, so she decided to use them all on her page:

Do please share your kits and creations to Mr. Linky so that we can all come and look.
Perhaps save a special project using this month's kit and join in with
your very own Members' Blog Hop towards the end of the month!

Be inspired by any of the challenges this month or just share something you've created with your current kit. Remember, the more the merrier and EVERYone is welcome! To be a part of the Members' Blog Hop:
  • E-mail us your name & blog address & promise to participate at by the 18th.
  • We will e-mail back on the 20th with a list of the hop participants and full instructions.
  • You will need to schedule your own blog post, showing a new counterfeit kit based project, to go live on the 24th at 00:00am Mountain Standard Time (Arizona) but we will help you with the scheduling!


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