
Monday, December 26, 2016

Memories of Christmas Past by Margie

Hello,  everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season. For my post about memories of Christmas past, I decided to make up a kit to fill out one of my past December daily albums that I never did get around to finishing . I may not get it completely finished, but this kit should help me make a little progress.
 Here's a peek at the album that I plan to work on(My 2012 Journal Your Christmas album):

The kit I originally worked with:
It will be fun to incorporate this new kit into this album, and make a few more pages for it.


  1. Looks like you are going to be busy but it is fun to dive into those old kits and use them.

    1. Dive in is right! I want to dive into you new kit and roll around in all that yummyness. LOVE the dear deer paper.

  2. I love the idea of completing an older project! Good luck! x


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