
Friday, December 16, 2016

The Expectations of Christmas Future by Lisa

The new year. Do you like this move from one year into the next? Or do you dread it ever so slightly, just as I do. I can't help it, but it always makes me a little melancholy. I might even be known to shed a tear or ten at the stroke of 12.

So, one of the important things for me is to think about the year ahead and try to come up with some plans or ideas of what I'd like to fill those 52 weeks with. I pick a word - yes, picked and ready to share with you in my next set of posts later in the month - think about what personal progress I'd like to make, come up with a few larger goals in the organisational area and try to give myself a positive feeling.

So, what's on my list?

  • I scrapped and created a lot in 2016, but a lot less than previous years. That felt a bit more balanced and I'd like that to continue. I made some pages that I adore and am happy with. I want to make sure that more of my pages make me feel that way. And I love that so many of those special pages were made out of my Counterfeit Kit Challenge kits (see below!) 

Using my Lucid kit from October 2016

Using my Alpine kit from September 2016

Using my Alpine kit from September 2016

Using my June kit from Potpourri 
  • I'd like to work on making my online scrappy communities more of a home for me and my friends. The Counterfeit Kit Challenge as well as my personal challenge blog and the scrapbooking Creative Teams I'm part of are very important to me and I'd like to make more time for them.
  • I'd like to dip my toe in the water of a Project Life type project to capture more of the everyday - the placed we go and the things we do. I make a lot of pages that are more introspective and the memorabilia of life is piling up - it all needs a home!
  • I have a wall of albums in the Kallas shelf behind where I sit which are full of layouts. But there is a HUGE pile of layouts waiting to be filed away. Then all my layouts need to be gone through, checked for details and maybe even weeded out. I want to be able to pick up an album and relive that time of my life. Oh yes, and the album labels need making too!

  • I'm heading to somewhat of a milestone birthday next year. I wanted to start a personal project on that year with weekly thoughts and selfies. I've made a hesitant start and need to pin that down. The selfies need improvement though!
That sounds enough of a challenging creative year to me so I'll leave it there! Will you join me in writing down a few goals for 2017 - I'm hoping that 2017 will bring good things. My word will help me. 

Kelly's back again tomorrow with another set of three posts so make sure you come back! And I'll be here again later on along with a few more of our talented Master Forgers.

See you there.

Lisa :-)


  1. Loved seeing these pages again and I like your plans for next year. I'll be giving Project Life another try (I did it for a few non-consecutive years but then stopped because I wanted to do more layouts) and am trying to figure out how I'll be handling it. And an album organization is also on my list. Here's hoping we both make lots of progress on our goals!

  2. Well, I will be happy to see more of your lovely self(ies) popping up in my IG feed. I love seeing your smiley face x

  3. What a happy retrospective of your layouts. My favorite this year is Collecting Angel Wings.

    Managing memorabilia is a problem here too. Maybe a smash type book to insert it all as it enters the craft zone, with a few notes (dates, who what and where.) but I would want it to be a non-permanent production, so that parts could be extricated when needed for proper layouts.


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