
Sunday, June 24, 2018

June 2018 - Follower Showcase!

Do you follow us on Instagram? You can find us at @counterfeitchallenge and MF Susan does a fabulous job at keeping our account up to date and highlighting all the goodies that we're sharing on the blog and in our FB community! Make sure you drop by. But you can also follow the hash tag #counterfeitchallenge to make sure that you don't miss anything that's shared by our followers too.

I was wandering through IG the other day and suddenly I saw a layout that really made me stop and pay attention. It was gorgeous!

Then I noticed that I was seeing it because it was tagged #counterfeitchallenge and that made me double interested! Ah, it was our loyal follower Kate Blue (find her blog here and her Instagram here @kraftyqueenkat). And of course I had to send her a heart and knew instantly that this would be the member highlight this month.

Something on my IG feed that makes me stop and stare is definitely worth a big "YAY" so please join me in giving some serious love to this gorgeous layout by Kate!

Kate made this stunning layout using her June Counterfeit Kit Challenge kit
which you can find on her blog here

I'd love to tell you what about it I love so much but there's nothing here that I don't love! The colours, the layers, the products, that stunning photo, the details. It's just a delight to look at and makes me happy.

I'm thrilled that Kate allowed me to share it with you today and am delighted to have her as my member highlight this month. Make sure you drop by her blog here or her IG account @kraftyqueenkat!

We love seeing your work, so be sure to share your kits and projects with us. You can do this by using the Link-Up page here on the blog, posting in the Counterfeit Kit Challenge Facebook Community Group or on Instagram (find us @counterfeitchallenge and share with #counterfeitchallenge )


And don't forget to drop by again in two days (30th) to catch the next instalment in Clair's video series, {Killing Kits Series}!  We are loving seeing how she's pulling older, unfinished kits off the shelf and turning them into something beautiful. You can find her here on the Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog every 15th and 30th with her creative ideas. We're thrilled she's sharing her makes with us. Don't miss it!


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