
Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31 - Do you have a "word"?

Hi there, Lisa here for one last post in 2018.

Let me start off by saying how happy we are that our community continues to grow with more people discovering the fun of shopping their own much-loved, but often neglected supplies to make up versions of their own Counterfeit Kit Challenge kits using the inspiration and motivation that we offer! 

It's been great seeing more people join us and getting as "addicted" as we are in the whole "counterfeiting" philosophy.

I'd like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the WHOLE CKC team, to THANK YOU all for being there, for sharing and contributing and for joining in the fun.

And before I continue, I'd like to express my love and heartfelt thanks to ALL the Counterfeit Kit Challenge team - both the active Master Forgers: 
- as well ex-MF Clair who will continue to contribute her {Killing Kits Series} once a month, 
and not forgetting MF Lynnette who's taking some time out at the moment due to family commitments 
but we are ever hopeful for her return! 
Also, ex-MF Jemma is still in the background helping us out with 
Blogger issues from time to time for which we are ever grateful!

I've said it before and I'd like to emphasise it again. It takes a village to keep the Counterfeit Kit Challenge going on a month to month basis 
and I couldn't do it without any of you 
- both team and followers

So, from the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU - and here's to a new year full of more counterfeiting fun and adventure. 


And so, in the meantime, I just wanted to finish off the year by asking you if you have a "word" for 2019? 

One Little Word © is a concept by Ali Edwards and I think she started in 2006. I know that I selected my first word in 2007 and have been selecting and working on a word each year since then. 

These are the words I've had so far:

  • 2018 - mindful
  • 2017 - shine
  • 2016 - composed
  • 2015 - align
  • 2014 - smile
  • 2013 - renew
  • 2012 - choose
  • 2011 - release
  • 2010 - ahead
  • 2009 - calm
  • 2008 - consolidate
  • 2007 - positive

The general idea is to choose a single word which will accompany you through the year on which you concentrate to help bring progress or self-improvement. For me, some years are more successful than others but I love the concept and often reflect on the improvements I've made in my life.

I make a layout each year to document the word and have sometimes ordered items to help keep the word in mind throughout the year, such as a small silver charm for my bracelet or, for the last few years, the acrylic words sold in the Ali Edwards shop. Next year's word is hopefully on its way soon after I pre-ordered it before Christmas. 

2012's word captured in a print-out I kept in my wallet all year.

2018's word is an acrylic word from Ali Edwards

2019's OLW - layout made for the Simple Scrapper premium membership
using a  Simple Scrapper sketch and Story Starter ©,
and my Counterfeit Kit Challenge kit, Heatwave from August 2018 lo#5

Each year, I tend to consider this OLW layout as the "end" to my scrapbooking year as I rarely manage to make anything at all during December even though I have every intention to complete a journal of some sort each Christmas period!

If you've never thought about a "word", then why not read up on it and jump right in? 

And if you are a seasoned word'er like me, then it would be lovely to hear all about your own words and see what you're doing to record it and keep it in mind.

And on that note, I'll love you and leave you, wishing you 
a simply wonderful New Year's Eve 
and all the very best for 
a very Happy New Year. 

We'll be back tomorrow - already! - for the first kit of 2019

We are super excited to kick off the year with a fabulous kit and a month of inspiration to get things started again. 

See you there!



  1. We are lucky to have you as our leader!! I'll second your thanks to all our followers - I really enjoy seeing how everyone interprets the inspiration and joins in with such enthusiasm!

  2. Love this site! Congrats on another great year of counterfeiting in the books. Cute layout and photo of you too!

    1. I love how much love there is around for this concept. Thanks and it's so great to still have you around :-* (and thanks for the compliment!)

  3. I’m so happy I started getting back into this and can’t wajt to create more in 2019! My most successful past words are GO, EMBRACE, and THRIVE. My word for next year will be BALANCE.

    1. Those are some great words - balance is one I could use each year I think!

  4. This blog has been very inspirational to me... I'm glad I found it! My word for next year is "Breathe" which is something I literally and figuratively forget to do when my anxiety hits!
    - Here's hoping I can "live" that word in 2019 -
    Happy New Year!

    1. It's great to have you with us Doreen! Thanks for playing along. And Breathe is such a good word too - a good reminder as I often forget as well!

  5. Aw. Thank you so much for all that you do for the DT, the Hosts, the contributers, and the followers. I really hope that 2019 is full of joy x


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