
Friday, December 9, 2022

Christmas at CKC - 12 Days of Christmas - Challenge #4 - MF Tara

MF Tara is calling your attention today! Four Calling Birds for the win 😉  

Master Forger Tara decided to take this prompt in a little bit different direction than what you'd expect.  She is currently finishing up scrapbooking her 2014 Family Albums.  That year, her husband deployed with his unit in the Army to Afghanistan & Kuwait. He spent the first half of the deployment in Afghanistan and the rest in Kuwait.  This was around the time that the Army ceased one year deployments in favor for shorter deployments, which is amazing BUT it also meant that the soldiers were no longer given R&R (Rest & Relaxation) weeks to come home at the halfway mark. Knowing that her husband wasn't going to be home for Christmas meant that that their family would have to do something different.  Tara had recently upgraded her iPhone to a newer model so her husband took the older one with him on his deployment.  They used the FaceTime function for him to call home and planned for him to call in the morning stateside timing so he could join in for the family Christmas celebration. This layout features the photos that Tara took of her husband on her iPad as he talked with the kids and then opened his presents.  It genuinely made Christmas apart bearable!

There's hidden journaling underneath the telephone shaker. 

Master Forger Tara chose to use a telephone cut-file that she turned into a shaker as part of her layout.  She hid her journaling underneath her telephone shaker.  You can see more about her process as well as more photos on her blog:   HERE.

We'd love it if you'd join in. 

As always you can share kits, layouts and projects with us in our Facebook Communityor tag us over on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcdecember2022 and #ckc12daysofchristmas). 

 Thanks so much for stopping by! We can't wait to see you playing along with our festive fun this month.

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