
Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas at CKC - 12 Days of Christmas - Challenge #11 - MF Juliet

 We're almost at the end now but the inspiration keeps on coming!

          MF Juliet didn't necessarily go with a Christmas theme (hey we can take things whatever way we want here at The Counterfeit Kit Challenge) but did go with a piping hot drink she loves, coffee! She and her sweet hubby shared a cup together EVERY morning and each had their favorite cup. (Don't we all???)

Since she can't have a cup with him in person every morning any more, she decided to switch her cup to his cup so he is still part of her morning ritual!  

Vellum has been around since...well, forever if you are in scrapbook world! Vellum can be intimidating but used as a matt it brings a unique and beautiful addition in Juliet's mind. It softens any background but still allows the color to come through. If you have a strong background vellum is a wonderful addition if you just need to 'tone down' an area. It also makes a wonderful journaling medium. Oh, and if you have some punches, by all means punch your heart out with the vellum and you will LOVE what it brings to your project!

We'd love it if you'd join in. 

As always you can share kits, layouts and projects with us in our Facebook Communityor tag us over on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcdecember2022 and #ckc12daysofchristmas). 

 Thanks so much for stopping by! We can't wait to see you playing along with our festive fun this month.

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