
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Been Caught Stealing...November 2012 Guest Designer

This month's Guest Counterfeiter is Julie!!
And here is a little bit about Julie...

"Hello, fellow forgers!!! I'm Julie LaKose, totally honored to be guest designing here this month, and officially addicted to the Counterfeit Kit Challenges! Scrapbooking is a form of therapy for me, a way to identify what is in my heart. Whether that is something silly, romantic or'll see my heart on my pages! Thank you so much for the opportunity to be here, in this capacity this month! I'm super excited for the kit reveal and to see what everyone else creates. This is a wonderful place of scrappy inspiration and challenges. Every month, I see new things I have to try!!! Happy creating, friends!!!"

Please visit Julie's blog to see her beautiful creations at


  1. Hey there Julie. Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your creations this month :-)

  2. WELCOME Julie - you will rock the challenges I'm sure!

  3. THANK YOU! It is going to be a BLAST to be here this month! Can't wait to see your interpretations this month!

  4. Always love seeing what you create Julie!

  5. So glad it's you! Looking forward to another CKC month of adventure :~)

  6. Thank you, girls! Feeling very loved today!!!! Get ready for a fun month!


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