
Thursday, November 1, 2012

We are listening!

Thank you SO much for all of your input on what you love on our blog and what we can do better!  We discussed every comment (and gave ourselves hugs for all of the kind words) and came up with some ways we can make things even better (without taking on so much that we don't love it anymore).

Exciting new things to look forward to:
1.  Our DT memeber, Crystal will be moving into a "partner" role with Meridy and I to help shoulder some of the creativity and posting responsibilities.
2.  We will be posting every OTHER day so we can keep things fresh (and not forced by trying to come up with things daily).
3.  We will be sharing the Kit to Counterfeit on the 1st of the month to give you more time to create!
4.  We will be moving our 1st challenge to the 3rd of the month and making that a BLOG HOP for our great Countefeiters to participate in again!  Yep.  We are bringing it back!
5.  We have some great new regular features in the works: Trash to Treasure...Daring Desing Techniques...Step by Step...

We did talk about putting up a link if people wanted to donate to the running of the blog, but we really would like to keep it free at this point.  Thank you for that suggestion, though!  It made us feel very loved that it was even suggested!  Keep commenting, sharing us on your blogs and posting about us on other sites!  That can be our "payment" for now.  LOL  We love to know we are not just talking to ourselves here.

Enjoy November...great changes are coming!  And December?  Get ready for a jam packed month!  I am SO excited about our December plans!!

We love and appreciate all of you!  Thank you so much for hanging out with us each month!

Bethany, Meridy and Crystal


  1. Thanks for all the inspiration. Can't wait to see what is coming. Jenx

  2. Yay YAY!!! so happy with ALL of the above!!

    WAY WAY COOL ladies!

    Now cant wait!!

    And thanks for make this an AWESOME place to visit!

  3. Remember, too, that just because no everyone who comes to visit here comments, your creativity and work is very much appreciated. In spite of a busy busy schedule, I always make time to come here! So please keep doing what you are doing!

  4. LOVE this. I am going to try to start participating. Been stalking your blog for a while and it is very intriguing!

  5. Sounds an exciting place to come and play....hoping to have some more time to forge this month....even though time is an issue I still pop in to see all the lovely inspiration. Keep up the brilliant work :0)

  6. I haven't been able to participate in a long time, life got in the way. I have missed the inspiration and fun here. I love the changes you guys are making. I'm gonna try very hard to get back in the swing of counterfeiting!! Thanks for all you guys do, I appreciate it all!!!

  7. Awesome news! Love all the inspiration here!

  8. Sounds lovely! Thanks for all you do :~)

  9. These are such exciting changes!! I'm excited for the member blog hop, I would definitely participate. Can't wait!


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