
Monday, May 2, 2022

May 2022 - Just the Gist of it

 Hey, it's Master Forger Kate and yesterday, I revealed my pick for this month's Counterfeit Kit...a vintage 2015 kit inspired by all things Bo Bunny! Since it's 2022, it's entirely possible that you have some vintage stash that matches the kit but fear not if you don't!  So, just a reminder, here's a quick look at the gist of the kit:  For more photos, you can hop to: The BoBunny Blog: Sweet Life!!!!

We can look at this a few ways-Let's start with COLORS- It seems as though we have navy blue and other shades of blue, buttercup yellow, mint green and pastel pink.

Not a fan of pink?  Use reds or a shade of coral!  Buttercup not your shade because it might be too summery?  Try saffron, beige or dark gold!  No navy? Any shade of blue will do.

NEXT, PAPERS- I see florals-doesn't have to be roses ya know, I also spot polka dots, butterflies, geometric circles that kinda remind me of mandalas, woodgrain, stripes (go horizontal or vertical), crosses (or are those plus signs??) and some rainbow on a B side...You decide! Pick one, pick all, no rules! 

and LASTLY, EMBELLISHEMENTS:  I spy brads, plain chipboard, tons of butterflies, newspaper print (vintage kit anyone?), swirls and banners.

The kit has 2 kinds of ribbon, one with dots so you could add any kind of dots.  If you don't have white ribbon, use pom pom trim, lace and even white washi tape with print on it! 

 I also spy vintage paper- you could add book paper if you have that. 

 No chipboard stickers?? Use regular stickers, you could turn your kit into a mixed media style kit with botanical hues and antiquey vibes.  

Here is what the rest of the month has to offer.

  • 4th May: Forgery on the Fourth - Master Forgers share simple ideas for creating kit elements
  • 6th May: Mini kit Reveal and Project Showcase - Inspiration for a smaller kit or project ideas.
  • 12th and 18th May: Challenge #1 and #2 to inspire you to get creating from your own kit.
  • 24th May: Followers Showcase - who has caught our eye this month
  • 28th May: Killing Kits - an idea or two focusing up the bits and pieces left in your own kit.

You know that we always love to see your work, so please share your kits and projects with us. You can post them in our Facebook Community or share them on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us on social media using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcMay2022).

As you can tell, it truly is what YOU see with YOUR eye and YOUR spin on what YOU want to accentuate.  Hopefully I gave you some ideas and we can't wait to see your kit!      


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