
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 2021 - Kill that Kit!

And so I find myself at the end of my favourite month and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

I have to confess that I have been a total fail as far as creativity goes and have made absolutely nothing! But it's ok - I have my mini travel kit waiting to be filled with memories from my Scotland trip and a full kit with wonderful products that I am looking forward to dipping into when the time is right. I try not to worry about the times when I'm too busy to create or my mojo goes walkabout. It will come back when it's ready and then I'll be good to go!

Therefore, a post about how I killed my kit seems rather fraudulent and so I decided to give you all the ideas from 2021! I hope you find something to inspire you to finish off your November kit or in fact, any kits you have lying around 😉

1. Using scraps and leftovers to make up a layout

October - MF Tracey

February - MF Lisa

2. Making cards

August - MF Lisa

June - MF Tara

May - MF Julene

April - MF Leslie

January - MF Lisa

3. Tags and elements for future crafty projects

September - MF Tina

July - MF Lisa 

March  - MF Clair 

It's really worth your time clicking on each of the links above to the individual blog posts as sometimes, our MFs have offered three or four different ways that they've used up their kits.

 These ladies are beyond creative and talented - let's learn from them!

 Please make sure you come back tomorrow to find out about our December project! 

As you might know, we take a month off kitting at Christmas - there's always so much to do and so much inspiration around that we like to come up with something a bit different. It's a good one this year - well, they are good every year to be honest! - and MF Leslie and Misty will be leading the way. It's going to be a fun month so please drop by and join in!

There's nothing left for me to say except to wish you all a very merry Christmas time as we head into the final stretch!

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