Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 2024 - Just The Gist Of It!

 Hello! Master Forger Laurie here! Yesterday I revealed the June Inspiration Kit. Today, I'm going to talk about the process of choosing what you would like in your kit and how I go about it. First, let's take another look at the kit I chose:

The first thing I look at are the colors, then I look for a paper from my stash that has all those colors in it such as this one. This single piece of paper was my starting point for curating my kit.

Choosing a paper similar to this one not only helps you choose other papers that will work well together, but can also help you choose your embellishments. Notice all the icons. There are flowers, palm trees, boats, flamingos, beach chairs, seashells, tickets and pineapples. There are even tiny words and phrases. This one piece of paper will spark so many ideas.

Here’s a sampling of the papers I pulled from my stash inspired by that one piece of paper.

Look outside the box.  Tropical themed papers aren’t just for beach themed layouts. You can use it for any outdoor activities such as picnicking, zoo adventures, hiking, exploring gardens, even boat tours. The vibrant colors and patterns can add a wonderful touch to any outdoor activity you want to document.

If the Tropical beach theme isn’t for you then skip it. Choose embellishments that will work with the story you want to document.

As for the rest of the month, here's what we have coming up for you:

  • 4th June - Forgeries on the Fourth
  • 6th June- Mini kit and Project Reveal
  • 12th June - Challenge #1
  • 18th June - Challenge #2
  • 22nd June - Challenge #3 Let's Get Sketchy
  • 24th June - Follower Showcase
  • 26th June - July Sneak Peek(27th June - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps!

I hope you find this useful in curating your kit. We would love to see what inspired you to create! Share with us in our Facebook Community Group or you can also follow us on Instagram by tagging @counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcJune2024.  See you next time!


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