Tuesday, March 4, 2025

March 2025 Forgeries on the Fourth


Today is the day when our Master Forgers share the forgeries they have created for the month of March. First, let me remind you of our inspiration kit, 

MF Misty

She took several ideas from this kit and created her own elements. Starting with those woodgrain phrase banners. These are not banner shape, but they work.

She used her new obsession, hot foiling, to create these elements. While she had her foil machine out, she also made an alphabet set. If you look really closely at that top inspiration picture, there is a big letter A in multicolor with sparkles. She wanted to capture the color and shine!

Here is the project that most excited her: creating paper Plumeria flowers. From soft and mild to bold and colorful. These will brighten up any layout.

MF Ryann found this example on the kit website really inspiring.  Despite the fact that the image shown here is a digital kit, she really wanted to make something with the feel of the die cut style image here.  She used her Cricut and put this cut file together.

Master Forger Tara pulled out her dies and created some embellishments based upon the embellishments in the digital kit.  She matched the colors in her own kit which are slightly different than the inspiration kit colors but they really are close.  Here are the images from the inspiration kit that she used to create her embellishments.


Here's her dies that she used.  They are from Hip Kit (palm tree) and Arden Creative Studio:

Here's the embellishments completed:
Now, let's see what we have lined up for the rest of this month:
  • 6th  March - Mini Kit and Project Reveal 
  • 12th March - Challenge #1 
  • 18th March - Challenge #2
  • 22nd March - Challenge #3 Sketch Challenge
  • 24th March - Follower Showcase 
  • 26th March - April Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community) 
  • 28th March - Challenge #4 Baby, Use Those Scraps Challenge
We love to see what you are working on!  Drop in your projects to our Facebook Community Group and of course tag us on Instagram at #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcmarch2025

Remember to Make Every Day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

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