Monday, March 1, 2021

March 2021 - Counterfeit Kit Challenge Kit Reveal & Blog Hop

Hello lovelies! Welcome to the March 2021 Counterfeit Kit Challenge Kit Reveal & Blog Hop! I love to take the reins here at the Counterfeit Kit Challenge in March, when the world starts to feel just that little bit warmer and the first little leaves start to show themselves after winter. And, normally, my kit choice for the month would also feature a lot of lovely leaves and florals but, this month's inspiration kit is a little bit different! It's the beautiful Paper Addict Kit from Mommyish - and it's digital

I love the bold colours, easy to 'counterfeit' embellishments and, of course, the theme. What scrapbooker could resist a kit about an addiction to pretty paper?! Let's have a closer look at the kit contents.

This month our Guest Designer is the wonderful Julie Kirk. I've followed Julie's work for ... ooh ... let's just say a while now and adore her ability to look at the mundane and find the beauty in it! You'll never look at junk mail in the same way! Please make sure to offer her a warm welcome to the world of counterfeit kits! 

"Hello, I’m Julie and, as the t-shirt might suggest, I’m from beautiful Teesside, in the North East of England.

I started scrapbooking in the early 2000s, spent over a decade designing layouts and projects for craft magazines and design teams and, along the way, stopped scrapbooking just for me. Now I’ve come full circle and playing with paper and scissors is once again purely a hobby. As a lifelong paper and stationery lover I feel spoiled being asked to counterfeit for this particular month’ with its ‘Paper Addict’ theme! 

When I’m not ogling paper and stationery, you can find me obsessively reading contemporary romance novels, watching baseball games on Youtube, and talking about all of those things on Instagram. I’m @WithJulieKirk over there and you’re *so* welcome to drop by and say 'Hi' sometime."
Let's take a look at Julie's kit for the month, then take a little hop around with the rest of the DT.

Guest Designer: Julie Kirk -

There's plenty to keep you inspired this month so don't forget to come back here regularly for ideas and challenges. The month is going to look like this: 
  • 2nd March: Just the Gist of It - If you aren't sure where to start, check in tomorrow for some ideas.
  • 4th March: Forgery on the Fourth - Our DT show you some simple ways to create your own kit elements.
  • 6th March: Mini Kit Reveal and Project Showcase - Our Mini Kit DT show off their smaller kits and makes.
  • 12th March: Challenge #1 - A little inspiration to make the most of your kit!
  • 18th March: Challenge #2 - A little extra inspiration to make the most of your kit!
  • 24th March: Follower Showcase - Who has caught our eye this month?
  • 27th March: Killing Kits - Our host for the month shows off some ideas for using those last little bits!
We always love to see your work, so please share your kits and projects with us. You can post them in our Facebook Community, or share them on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcmarch2021).

I'm so looking forward to spending this month with you!

Clair x


  1. Oh I love this, I might have to jump in. How nice that Julie is guest designer.

  2. Such fabulous kits this month! x


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