Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 2024 - Follower Showcase

 Hi there! It's time for our Follower's Showcase. Selecting just one person to be our follower of the month isn't easy to do - especially when we are blessed to have so much talent here!  Each of our members bring a unique talent to our community, making it difficult to choose just one. We're inspired by the creativity of all our followers. Without further ado, I have chosen Scales Julie Ruann.

Just as a reminder let's take another look at our Inspiration kit:

Here is Scales' kit:

Here's what she had to say about her kit:
I do not posses many dark patterned papers, or tropical themes, so I went for matching the bright hues. I pulled in some papers from June and loaded up summer sunset cardstock. My "50 Shades of Summer Sunset" Counterfeit Kit for July.

And here is her Shake It Up! Challenge layout that she created with this kit! I seriously love this creativity!

Look at this shaker!

She says, "As a rookie in "shaker maker" world, I of course went all out. No simple shape for me! I download these mushrooms from Canva free graphics and color them. I scraplifted MK from Some Assemblage Required (7/3 OTBWPP video) where she cut into her brick paper. I traced a brick wall stencil on the back and cut randomly."

Here's what's coming up next:

  • 28th July - August Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community)
  • 30th July - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps

We really love to hear from our followers!. Make sure that you visit us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also visit us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcJuly2024. 

Remember to Make Every Day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

See you soon!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 2024 - Challenge #3 - Let's Get Sketchy!

 Master Forger Ryann here with our monthly sketch challenge. This is the double page sketch I chose to work with this month. Remember, a sketch is just a jumping off point, you don't have to follow it exactly - if you'd prefer to just use one half, or combine elements from both sides onto one page - you may! Whatever works for you and the page you are creating.


Now, let's see how our Master Forgers used this sketch:

Master Forger Tara says this about her layout:

I loved this sketch!  It has a ton of different elements that you can take inspiration from and I loved the strips of papers on the left side as well as the large photo.  You could interpret the designs on the lower left side and far right side as mixed media or patterned paper.  I did change it up a bit and moved the three photos on the left hand side to the far right edge because I didn't want the photo of my husband looking off the page. I also moved my journaling to the right page as well.  Remember, a sketch is the bones and you can make it work for your photos!  

Here are some photos of each side individually as well as some close-ups. 

Master Forger Tina
This was a great sketch to use and I found the perfect photos for it. I thought that the stenciling in the sketch was cool and I wanted to add it to my layout too. Used some stamping too for a cool addition to the layout also.

Master Forger Vikki

I loved this sketch so much!  I decided to do the left sketch and am happy with how this page turned out.  I love the stamping in the background.

Can you believe it, the month is almost over!
However, we still have some fun left. Here's what's up next:
  • 24th July - Follower Showcase
  • 28th July - August Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community)
  • 30th July - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps.
We really love to hear from our followers!. Make sure that you visit us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also visit us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcJuly2024. 

Remember to Make Every Day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

See you soon!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 2024 - Challenge #2 - You Can Quote Me!

 Master Forger Ryann here!  It's time for Challenge #2. 

The Moonlit Collection is full of bold brights and dark nights.  One of the digital cards in the collection says, “Everything is Magical Under the Stars.”  Use this quote as the launching point of your layout - the title, the mood, the subject, whatever!  Draw on those dark nights and maybe even the bold colors!

Now, let's see what our Master Forgers created:

Master Forger Tina

Everything is Magical under the Stars when you are on a Cruise! The one show that we saw was literally under the stars :) so I added a little Magical to my title and went with the star theme


Master Forger Brandi

Everything is Magical Under the Stars... except for two excited little boys who would not settle down for sleep in our cabin! ;) 

Master Forger Misty

The stars are magical, but only if you can see them! I told the story of missing out on some star gazing due to cloudiness.

 Master Forger Ryann

For my layout, I actually used the shaker box I demonstrated in the "how do" post before.  I had some VERY old black glittery chipboard letters that I used for the title - some of them were chopped up and made into different letters!  This layout is about the first time I saw the Elon Musk satellites - and didn't believe my 17-year-old that that is what they were!

We still have more challenges coming. Here's what's next:

  • 22nd July - Challenge #3 Let's Get Sketchy
  • 24th July - Follower Showcase
  • 28th July - August Sneak Peek(on Instagram and the Facebook Community)
  • 30th July - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps
We really love to hear from our followers! Make sure you visit us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also visit us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcJuly2024. 

Remember to Make Every Day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

See you soon!


Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 2024 - Challenge #1 - Shake It Up!

  Master Forger Ryann here with the first challenge of the month. But first let's take a quick look at our Inspiration kit.

Scrapbook pages are our way of expressing our creativity while telling the story.  Some of us like depth, some like flat, some like textures and stitching.  I want you to take a few minutes and create something that makes a little noise!  Here in the states, July means fireworks - which is loud and celebratory!  
So I want you to add a Shaker Box to your layout!  Whether you are accentuating the BOOM from a firework, bugs in a Mason jar, or it's the crackling flames of your campfire, add some sound to your layout!  Shake! Shake! Shake!  Make one, or use one you already have in your stash. If you know how to make one, let’s see your own take on them!

Basics on making your own shaker box:

1. Use a cut file and cover the backside with plastic - I used some packaging material.
2. Outline the cut file with foam tape. Make sure there are no gaps for the filling to sneak out! (I DID leave a little space between stars so the fill could move between the two - but not around the edges!)

3. Fill with small bling, confetti, beads, buttons, or whatever else fits inside and goes with your idea. (If any items have an "up" side, make sure you have the "up" side facing the window) (You can see one of my bling pieces flipped over!)
4. Fully adhere the backing to the shaker - again, making sure nothing can sneak out!

To help you get started, let's check out what our Master Forgers came up with for this challenge.

Guest Designer Lacy Stockton shared this layout. Her title includes letters made from slide mounts shakers.  She says, "I haven't made a shaker in a long while but recently my youngest son asked me to make more of my scrapbook layouts interactive.  Sometimes adding something that is interactive takes a lot of effort but, with a bit of time, shaker boxes are pretty simple to make and can add a special look to a layout.  The layout I added my shaker title too was about a modern, simple look to add to the artsy theme of my kids sitting on a large hand chair after lunch.  I didn't have embellishments, in mind, that would add focus so I thought the shakers would enhance the layout and still allow the photos to be a focus.""

Her shaker box steps were similar to the ones above.  Because some people use foam tape, foam sheets, or foam squares, like hers, it's a really versatile technique! 

Pieces and elements - slide mounts, colored slide covers, foam dimensions, glitter, and flower fillers.

Clear plastic that she cut to size.
The process of filling the boxes and putting the back onto the box.
Covering the front with the colored slide cover.
Adding the letters to the center of each window and finishing the layout with this amazing Shaker Box Title!

Master Forger Jody 

@floppyearedfarm used the entire cut file as a shaker element! Go big or go home right?!

It does not matter the size of the shaker all the elements are the same. Use something clear, (packaging,

 acetate) and adhesive foam tape to create your well, fill up your well with all the sparkly goodness then

 close your well tightly!

Give it a good shake to hear and see your beautiful creation! 

A process video was created to share each step, check it out here!

Master Forger JoJo

I stamped out the jar and fireflies and fussy cut them out, and use 3D tape to adhere the jar 
and put 3 fireflies and a little bit of glitter to make this tiny shaker box to match my handmade
paper. I documented our family's last time enjoying the fire pit at my parents home. I love
handmade little details to personalize your page.

Master Forger Cindy

I used a circle punch to make my shaker boxes out of red, blue and yellow cardstock. I cut down my cardstock approximate 3 inches and punched out the circle. I used foam tape around the circle and around the squares.

Now go create your layout. Be sure to come back for more challenges. This is what's up next:

  • 18th July - Challenge #2
  • 22nd July Challenge #3 Let's Get Sketchy
  • 24th July- Follower Showcase
  • 28th July - August Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community)
  • 30th July - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps
We really love to hear from our followers! Make sure you visit us on the Facebook Community Group.  You can also visit us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcJuly2024. 

Remember to make every day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

See you soon!

Friday, July 5, 2024

July 2024 - Mini Kit and Projects Reveal

  Are you short on time or do you just need to scrap a few photos or are you a beginner scrapbooker? Then a mini kit may be for you.  A mini kit offers simplicity. It's perfect for beginners or those with limited time. It's also portable and budget friendly, allowing you to create without have overwhelming choices. Two of our Master Forgers are going to show you how they build a mini kit and how they use them. Let's take a look again at our Inspiration Kit:

Master Forger Julene

I kept my mini kit small with only 6 papers plus some embellishments.

One paper had a ready-made frame printed on it at an angle with a background of bricks. I used that for the Indian Gardens page

I used the darker purples on this one.

Pink and yellow busy paper used here.

My last one was for a sketch challenge and I added a red strip.

Master Forger Laurie

When I first saw this month’s inspiration kit I was immediately drawn to the yellows, oranges, deep blues and purples. These rich colors remind me of autumn and Halloween, creating a perfect mood and feel for my projects. The yellows and oranges remind me of falling leaves and pumpkins, while the blues and purples add a mystical, spooky touch. Here’s what I chose for my mini kit.

And here are the layouts I made. The first one is summery. I used the B side of the sunshine paper from my kit.

Next up for the month we will dive into our regular challenges. Here's what coming up:

  • 12th July - Challenge #1
  • 18th July - Challenge #2
  • 22nd July - Challenge #3 Let's Get Sketchy
  • 24th July - Follower Showcase
  • 28th July - August Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community)
  • 30th July - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps 
We really love to hear from our followers! Make sure that you come visit us on the Facebook Community Group.  You can also visit us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcJuly2024.

Remember to Make Every Day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

~ Ryann

 See you soon!