Tuesday, March 18, 2025

March 2025 - Challenge #2 - Vacation Variations

Welcome back to the blog. Master Forger Ryann, here!  I hope you have been using up the supplies in your kit to tell your stories. If you still need a bit of motivation, we have another inspiration for you. First let's take a look at our inspiration kit again.  

A Beach Tale

Vacations can come in all shapes and sizes – from across the globe to a staycation, from solo mental health vacations to family reunions and chaos vacations, from all-inclusive to camping with whatever you carried in your backpack! So, for this challenge - Do a layout about some type of vacation.


  • What you would do again or longer
  • What you would change – if anything
  • What you might have expected that was different or exactly as you thought it would be
  • Include a small detail that was that a special “silver lining” of the trip or something fun – a special moment, attendee, or little story (i.e. this cute little squirrel was watching us through the window when we woke up that morning, etc.)
I decided to do the Title Page of my album for my Hawai'i vacation for this challenge. I summarized the entire trip into this book - over 2,000 words - and I'm super excited with the way it turned out! The title of my journaling "book" is "Not Exactly What We Expected" which is a summary of the entire, wonderful trip!

At first I didn't think I would be able to tell a vacation story. Then I had a face-palm moment when I realized our big trip from 2023 was largely unfinished. Time to get to work! I started with a bit of a trip overview.

MF Cindy

I am documenting a trip to the one of the many local parades. It is always exciting see the parades through the eyes of the grandkids. He had so much fun we tend to hit as many as time allows during the summer. It's not really a vacation but it was definitely an all-day trip. 

MF Tara

I recently went on a Scrappin' On A Ship cruise in February.  I scrapbooked the photos of my roommate and I arriving to the port and getting onto the ship.  So exciting.  The only thing that I would change about this trip was I would've scheduled my flight for earlier in the day because weather caused my flight to be delayed by 2.5 hours and I missed out hanging with my sister in Galveston because it was very late when I finally arrived. That was the fun part of getting there-seeing my sister and having dinner with her. 

Still coming up!

  • 22nd March - Challenge #3 Sketch Challenge
  • 24th March - Follower Showcase 
  • 26th March - April Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community) 
  • 28th March - Challenge #4 Baby, Use Those Scraps Challenge
We love to see what you are working on!  Drop in your projects to our Facebook Community Group and of course tag us on Instagram at #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcmarch2025

Remember to Make Every Day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

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