Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Season's Greetings - December 24th with Tina

Hello and Happy Christmas Eve Day to you, Tina here with you again with another Christmas Card

Season's Greetings

Today's technique is using a tag on your card, this addition can make the card very festive without alot of bulk

Using a Tag

Christmas time is a great time to buy premade tags and they are really getting to look fantastic too!
I had gotten packs of tags at the Dollar Store and used them in a variety of ways. 

Add some glitter paper and a doily is a nice touch behind the tap and dress it with some soft embellishments if you like. Easy Peasy card for the holidays and they don't need to know you bought the tags!

You know that we LOVE it when you share!

So, if you are inspired to make your own cards, layouts or projects - from Season's Greetings, a previous Christmas special, a Counterfeit Kit Challenge kit that you haven't quite used up or a new kit inspired by any one of our dozens and dozens of inspirational kits - you can share in these places:
See you tomorrow for more CKC inspiration!

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