Thursday, May 23, 2024

May 2024 - Follower's Showcase

It is time to celebrate YOU! While I couldn't possibly applaud everyone individually here, I'd like to shine a spotlight for a bit one of our followers. First, I want to give kudos to Amanda Bass, Penny Potts, Karin Dahllof, and Jessica Haab. You all had posts that I appreciated in various ways!

In the end my job is to pick one person to share with you this month. While I hate picking just one, this crafter had some projects that really caught my attention. Say congratulations to Nelya Shos Take! I loved Nelya's big kit, her forgery item (you'll see it in use later!) and her colorful yet balanced layouts. Let's take a look at everything.

Here is what Nelya says about her experience with CKC...

"I find that I’m more likely to use my stash when I put together a kit. Often I forget that I have something I love; this reminds me of what I have. I’m not tempted to buy more products because I know I have plenty of stuff that I still love. When my choices are narrowed down (from my WHOLE stash), it’s not overwhelming to choose products to use in my layouts. Also, forging products like a specific patterned paper is just FUN! It’s almost like a challenge in and of itself."

Here was Nelya's big kit. Just look at all that goodness packed in there.

Now, let's take a look at her projects.

What a great double page layout. I think double pages have taken a backseat in scrapbooking lately. I know I'm guilty of that too. But look how much you can fit in a story when you go double!

How about an 8.5x11 page? I love that she does those too!

We've made it to the one she used her forged paper on. See all those circles? She created those for her forgery.

She shared one more double layout. Just look at that rainbow border!

And one more shiny project to finish on!

Thank you again Nelya for allowing us to showcase you today. Looking forward to seeing your future work at CKC. 

We have one final inspiration post for you for May. Also, don't forget that the deadline to enter into our iNSD challenge is nearly here.

  • 30th May - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps
  • 31st May - iNSD challenge deadline
We really love to hear from our followers! Make sure that you come hang out with us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also hang out with us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallnge and #ckcMay2024. See you next time.

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