Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 2024 - Challenge #3, Sketch Challenge!

 Master Forger Misty back with our monthly sketch challenge. I create sketches and offer them as freebies over on my blog. I chose this sketch from Feb '22 as our design to work with this month. I liked the patterns and shapes. I hope you can take this sketch in whatever direction works for you, from literal to very interpreted.

Now, let's see how the team used this sketch.

Guest Designer Alison had this to say about her project

"I don’t have my silhouette set up at the moment, and can’t freehand draw or cut a heart to save my life, so I grabbed a plate and used it to trace a circle instead. My story only had one photo which meant I could make an enlarged embellishment grouping in the bottom right corner instead of another photo.  The title and embellishments, plus all the words on the paper itself, really help to tell my story, which meant I felt it was okay not to journal on this layout. I may change my mind and revisit that decision later. We will see!

The other projects I’ve made with this kit have been quite soft and it was fun to pull out some of the bolder papers and really lean into all the reds."

Master Forger Cindy

She took the sketch in a more interpreted direction for this sweet layout. This is the perfect example of using what inspires you!

I was running low on papers by the time I got to this layout. I did save the circle burst print for this project though. I had to flip through my story binder to see what would work with this paper. Bingo –– a story about 4th of July and how we didn't get a single picture of fireworks. The pattern paper bursts will have to do!

A process video is up for this layout if you'd like to see more.

Master Forger Ryann 

She has a son who LOVES flamingos!  He found a local nursery with giant flamingos. The kit she put together was perfect for this story.  A Giant Flamingo paper heart in the background to showcase the love!  A simple layout is sometimes the way she likes to go to showcase the focus of the photo, such as this.

Master Forger Tina
Using one of the cutfiles and the reds and greens in the kit for this layout of her 1st Christmas decoration put up last year

The month is starting to wind down. However, we still have some fun left. Here is what remains for May.

  • 24th May - Follower Showcase
  • 30th May - Challenge #4 Baby Use Those Scraps
  • 31st May - iNSD challenge deadline
We really love to hear from our followers! Make sure that you come hang out with us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also hang out with us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallnge and #ckcMay2024. See you next time.

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