Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 2024 - Follower's Showcase

Hi there! It's time for our Follower's Showcase. Selecting just one person to be our follower of the month is incredibly challenging. Each of our members bring a unique talent to our community, making it difficult to choose just one. We're inspired by the creativity of all our followers. Without further ado I chose Tamara Hunt!

Just as a reminder let's take another look at our Inspiration kit:

I picked the Bee-utiful Day Kit by Jennifer Ferh from

Followers Showcase Kit

And here are some of her layouts that she has created with this kit! Beautiful work!!! 

Here's what's coming up next:
  • 28th August - September Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community)
  • 30th August - Challenge #4 Baby, Use Those Scraps Challenge

We really love to hear from our followers!. Make sure that you visit us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also visit us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcAugust2024. See you next time!

Thank you so much! XO Jody

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