Wednesday, March 24, 2021

March 2021 - Follower Showcase

Hello Counterfeiters. It's time for our Follower Showcase. This is one of my favourites - each and every month - as we choose one follower and share their kits and makes. This month I chose Misty Murphy, one of our Facebook Community Members!

But, before we see Misty's take on the kit, let's remind ourselves of this month's inspiration kit, the Paper Addict Kit from Mommyish

The kit is bold and beautiful, with a riot of colours and it seems that this is what drew Misty to the kit this month, as she said 'The colors of this one are making me so happy.' And look at all of the beautiful colour that Misty included in her version of the kit! 

I love Misty's nod to the Paper Addict theme, with her emphasis on 'scrapbooking' related themes - like the cameras, typewriters and, of course, that cut-apart.  Misty has also included some beautiful embellishments - and some 'forgeries' in her kit. It's a win all round!

Misty has a 'kit build' video on her YouTube channel 'Crafty Soup' if you would like a little look at her process and, of course, a closer look at her beautiful kit!

Now, let's take a look at some of Misty's layouts, shall we? She's used the colours in her kit to scrapbook a variety of memories and I'm in love with how they've turned out. 

Aren't they all beautiful? Please be sure to leave Misty a little love here in the comments, over in the Counterfeit Kit Club Facebook Community, or on her YouTube Channel. 

I'll be back on the 30th, with Killing Kits, to show off some ideas for using those last little bits!

We always love to see your work, so please share your kits and projects with us. You can post them in our Facebook Community, or share them on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcmarch2021)

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