Saturday, May 7, 2022

May 2022 Happy {I}NSD - Challenge #9 - Scraplift a Layout!

Welcome to {i}NSD at The Counterfeit Kit Challenge!

Hey everyone,  it's Master Forger Kate here wishing you a happy and productive (inter)National Scrapbook Day! My challenge is easy, we're doing a scraplift challenge!

For those of you who are beginners or who don't know what scraplifting is, it's basically looking at a layout and  copying all or some of it. Could be the whole look, the whole design, part of it, some of the elements,  whatever ideas you incorporate into your own. 

With that being said, let's scraplift our fabulous leader, LISA! Here are 2 of my favorite layouts that she's created - I love that she uses texture, multiple photos and handwriting- you can pick one or both to scraplift! 

And since we are all about using your stash, you can use your May Counterfeit kit and add anything else you want!

Don’t forget to link up over on the {i}NSD posts in our Counterfeit Kit Community Facebook Community  for this and ALL the following challenges to come for a chance to be entered in our prize draw!

 You can also share over at Instagram where you can can find us @counterfeitkitchallenge and/or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcINSD2022

Also a reminder about our PRIZE DRAW for a chance of winning a 1st prize of $25 voucher and 2nd prize of $15 voucher to your online scrapbook store of choice. 

All you have to do is link up your kits and/or creations on the {i}NSD posts over at the Counterfeit Kit Community Facebook Community

You have until MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY 15th MAY to play along and link up before we throw all your names into a hat and pull the lucky winners!

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