As it's almost the end of the month, I love this post, as now we get to showcase one of our followers. It's great to see throughout the month what our followers has put together and created. Checking out our Counterfeit Kit Challenge FB community here is so inspiring and it was hard to pick out one!
But one I have to pick and one caught my eye with her creations, Sylvia Cresp, she's been with us just a year this month, she says: wanted to join in all year but haven't had the chance so I decided I might try and put a mini kit together and try to get a few pages done.. Here's her kit :) I can relate to the large mini kit :)

Here is a few creations she made from the kit and love love love the 1st layout she created:
For challenge #1:
and this one:
July is coming to a close, got one more thing left for the month.
- 31st July: Killing Kits - an idea or two for using up the bits & pieces left in your kit box
We always love to see your work, so please share your kits and projects with us. Post them in our Facebook Community, or share them on Instagram (we are @counterfeitkitchallenge or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcjuly2022).
Thanks so much for stopping by! We can't wait to see your kits and projects this month!
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