Monday, September 30, 2024

September 2024 - Challenge #4 Baby, Use Those Scraps

 Welcome to the final challenge of September with the Counterfeit Kit Challenge blog! As a reminder, our inspiration kit this month has been Daily Journal by Cocoa Daisy.

As always, we like to finish out the month with a use those scraps challenge! It's as simple as that: use any scraps from your kit this month on a new project! For me personally, I do this all month long, I am always trying to use up my scraps as I go! For my challenge-specific layout, I opted to use some paper strips and a tag die with some of the smaller pieces left in my kit! 

Master Forger JoJo made this layout of her youngest granddaughter using her scraps and a 1"3/4 square punch. She did some pen stitching to the squares and she even added 2 paper border branding strips and then embellished it.

& that's all for me! Come back tomorrow as Master Forger JoJo takes the reins for the first time with a brand new inspiration kit for October! 

Show us what you've got! We love our followers! Make sure that you come hang out with us on the Facebook Community GroupYou can also catch us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcseptember2024 
Stay scrappy!


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