Friday, May 6, 2022

May 2022 Happy {i}NSD - Welcome and Challenge #1!

Welcome to {i}NSD at The Counterfeit Kit Challenge! 

We can’t wait to spend the day with you and offer some gentle fun and inspiration to celebrate our wonderful hobby and motivate you to get scrapping!

Don’t forget that we will be posting blog posts every hour with a mix of inspiring challenges and some easy “forgeries” as a way of creating your own scrapbooking elements.

And to top off the fun, we are offering a PRIZE DRAW with not ONE but TWO vouchers for your online scrapbook store of choice kindly donated to you by our wonderful DT members, Juliet and Misty!

So to have a chance of winning a 1st prize of $25 and 2nd prize of $15 to your online scrapbook store of choice all you have to do is link up your kits and/or creations on the {i}NSD posts over at the Counterfeit Kit Community Facebook Community

You have until MIDNIGHT on SUNDAY 15th MAY to play along and link up before we throw all your names into a hat and pull the lucky winners!

 And without further ado, we are going to kick off with a really easy peasy first challenge!

Challenge #1 – post a photo of your May Counterfeit Kit Challenge kit OR pull together some supplies that you hope to use today! 

That’s it! 

Just bring together some products or pull out the kit you’ve already made for May and link up the photo!

Don’t forget to link up over on the {i}NSD posts in our Counterfeit Kit Community Facebook Community  for this and ALL the following challenges to come for a chance to be entered in our prize draw!

 You can also share over at Instagram where you can can find us @counterfeitkitchallenge and/or tag us using #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcINSD2022

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