Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 2024 - Challenge #4 - Baby, Use Those Scraps!

 Master Forger Ryann here! Today is our final challenge using our July kits! Our final challenge is always "Baby, Use Those Scraps". Before we get started, let's take a look at our Inspiration Kit

Now let's see what our Master Forgers have created for you using scraps from their kits!

Master Forger Vikki

I had 6x6 papers that I hadn't used this month, so I created this layout with them. I love the coordinating colors.  I used a few scraps of paper for layers under the photos. I was also able to use up the last of bows that I've had in my stash forever.

Master Forger Ryann

I had fun stacking up my scraps for this layout! I used a glitter pen to add stitching around the edges, chopped up some more chipboard letters to get a title, and added some of the darker bling I still had in my kit. I also used the last leaf I had forged, and the oval is a scrap left from another layout I had trimmed down.  I used some T Holtz Distressing spritz for the background.

 We really love to hear from our followers!. Make sure that you visit us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also visit us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcJuly2024. 

Thank you for playing along with us this month!

Remember to Make Every Day a Day Worth Scrapbooking!

See you soon!

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