Monday, August 12, 2024

August 2024 - Challenge #1 Woodgrain and Florals

Master Forger Jody here with the first challenge of the month. But first let's take a quick look at our inspiration kit - Bee-utiful Day Kit by Jennifer Ferh from



For Challenge #1 I would love for you to create a project using woodgrain and florals. Yup! That is it! I hope to see some out of the box creations. 

Guest designer Sarah Rouault created this page

Master Forger Ryann had this very old black and white 8x10 her mom had given her from when she was little.  She cut the photo down to remove the old damaged corners, and this is what she came up with.  What a fun challenge!

Master Forger Laurie

I was really excited for this challenge. Who doesn’t love wood grain and florals! The yellows and oranges in this month’s inspiration kit gave me that Fall vibe. With that in mind this is was I created.

Master Forger Tara created this layout featuring a selfie she took before church one Sunday morning!

Here are some close-ups of her layout, so you can enjoy all the textures she added! 

Now, let's see what we have lined up for the rest of this month:

  • 18th August - Challenge #2
  • 22nd August - Challenge #3 Sketch Challenge
  • 24th August - Follower Showcase 
  • 28th August - September Sneak Peek (on Instagram and the Facebook Community)
  • 30th August - Challenge #4 Baby, Use Those Scraps Challenge

We really love to hear from our followers! Make sure that you come hang out with us on the Facebook Community Group. You can also hang out with us on Instagram by tagging #counterfeitkitchallenge and #ckcAugust2024. 

Thank you so much - XO Jody

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